Tuesday 3rd October 2023 marks one year since the start of our Women's Recreational Football. We have seen some amazing things happen in this year, let the ladies tell you about it.
"I wasn't there at the very beginning but sooo glad I finally plucked up the courage to come in January. I hadn't played since 1997 but everyone was so welcoming and encouraging from Day 1. Thank you Foundation"
"I remember being sat in the car for ages when I first got there nearly went back home but sooo pleased I didn't as I have made some ace friends."
"I can remember turning up late because my friend decided she wasn't coming and just feeling so embarrassed and awkward about running late! I'm so glad I went along because Tuesday is now my favourite day of the week"
"It's just brilliant, great bunch and super welcoming."
This is just some of the amazing feedback from our super ladies! Sessions are open to all at £5 at Education Village from 8pm-9pm each Tuesday.